Given n items with size Ai, an integer m denotes the size of a backpack. How full you can fill this backpack?
You can not divide any item into small pieces.
Example 1:
Input: [3,4,8,5], backpack size=10
Output: 9
Example 2:
Input: [2,3,5,7], backpack size=12
Output: 12
O(n x m) time and O(m) memory.
O(n x m) memory is also acceptable if you do not know how to optimize memory.
The following solution consider the question whether you can fill the backpack or not and return the largest backpack in the last row that can be filled.
class Solution:
@param m: An integer m denotes the size of a backpack
@param A: Given n items with size A[i]
@return: The maximum size
def backPack(self, m, A):
# dp[i][y]: bool, true if
# backpack with size Y can be fully filled with
# first i items
dp = [[False]*(m+1) for i in range(len(A)+1)]
dp[0][0] = True
for i in range(1, len(A)+1) :
dp[i][0] = True
for y in range(1, m+1):
if y < A[i-1]:
dp[i][y] = dp[i-1][y]
dp[i][y] = dp[i-1][y] or dp[i-1][y-A[i-1]]
j = len(dp[0]) - 1
while j >= 0:
if dp[-1][j]:
return j
j -= 1
Or directly look for the maximum volume filled for each backpack size.
class Solution:
@param m: An integer m denotes the size of a backpack
@param A: Given n items with size A[i]
@return: The maximum size
def backPack(self, m, A):
# dp[i][y] is the maximum volum occupied with
# first i items considered and
# backpack size y
dp = [[0]*(m+1) for i in range(len(A)+1)]
for i in range(1, len(A)+1):
for y in range(1+m):
if y < A[i-1]:
dp[i][y] = dp[i-1][y]
dp[i][y] = max([
dp[i-1][y-A[i-1]] + A[i-1]
return dp[-1][-1]