Give a dictionary of words and a sentence with all whitespace removed, return the number of sentences you can form by inserting whitespaces to the sentence so that each word can be found in the dictionary.
Example 1
["Cat", "Mat", "Ca", "tM", "at", "C", "Dog", "og", "Do"]
Output: 3
we can form 3 sentences, as follows:
"CatMat" = "Cat" + "Mat"
"CatMat" = "Ca" + "tM" + "at"
"CatMat" = "C" + "at" + "Mat"
Output: 0
Notice: Ignore case
from functools import lru_cache
class Solution:
@param: s: A string
@param: dic: A set of words dict
@return: A boolean
def wordBreak3(self, s, dic):
# nonsense
if len(s) == 0:
return 1
self.dic = set([d.lower() for d in dic if len(d) > 0])
return self.dfs(s.lower())
def dfs(self, s):
ans = 0
if s in self.dic:
ans += 1
for i in range(1, len(s)+1):
if s[0:i] in self.dic:
ans += self.dfs(s[i:])
return ans