Give a string, you can choose to split the string after one character or two adjacent characters, and make the string to be composed of only one character or two characters. Output all possible results.
Input: "123"
Output: [["1","2","3"],["12","3"],["1","23"]]
Input: "12345"
Output: [["1","23","45"],["12","3","45"],["12","34","5"],["1","2","3","45"],["1","2","34","5"],["1","23","4","5"],["12","3","4","5"],["1","2","3","4","5"]]
class Solution:
@param: : a string to be split
@return: all possible split string array
def splitString(self, s):
return self.dc(s)
def dc(self, s):
if len(s) == 0:
return [[]]
if len(s) == 1:
return [[s]]
if len(s) == 2:
return [[s], [s[0], s[1]]]
ans1 = self.dc(s[1:])
ans2 = self.dc(s[2:])
ans = [[s[:1]] + a for a in ans1] + [[s[:2]] + a for a in ans2]
return ans
class Solution:
@param: : a string to be split
@return: all possible split string array
def splitString(self, s):
ans = []
cur = [] # current
self.traverse(s, cur, ans)
return ans
def traverse(self, s, cur, ans):
if len(s) == 0:
for i in [1, 2]:
# last i should be len(s)
if i <= len(s):
self.traverse(s[i:], cur, ans)