You are playing a card game with your friends, there are n cards in total. Each card costs cost[i] and inflicts damage[i] damage to the opponent. You have a total of totalMoney dollars and need to inflict at least totalDamage damage to win. And Each card can only be used once. Determine if you can win the game.
cost = [1,2,3,4,5]
damage = [1,2,3,4,5]
totalMoney = 10
totalDamage = 10
Output: true
Explanation: We can use the [1,4,5] to cause 10 damage, which costs 10.
cost = [1,2]
damage = [3,4]
totalMoney = 10
totalDamage = 10
Output: false
Explanation: We can only cause 7 damage at most.
class Solution:
@param cost: costs of all cards
@param damage: damage of all cards
@param totalMoney: total of money
@param totalDamage: the damage you need to inflict
@return: Determine if you can win the game
def cardGame(self, cost, damage, totalMoney, totalDamage):
# variable to store answers
# dp[i][y] is the answer of questions:
# find the max damage given
# first i card, i = 0 : len(cost)
# with available money y, y = 0 : totalMoney
dp =[[0]*(1+totalMoney) for i in range(len(cost)+1)]
# dp[0]: keep as is
# dp[1] ~ dp[-1]
for i in range(1, 1+len(cost)):
for y in range(1, 1+totalMoney):
if cost[i-1] > y:
dp[i][y] = dp[i-1][y]
dp[i][y] = max([
damage[i-1] + dp[i-1][y-cost[i-1]]
if dp[i][y] >= totalDamage: # equal is important
return True
return False