
141. Sqrt(x)

Implement int sqrt(int x).

Compute and return the square root of x.

Example 1:

Input:  0
Output: 0

Example 2:

Input:  3
Output: 1

return the largest integer y that y*y <= x. 

Example 3:

Input:  4
Output: 2




binary search by condition

class Solution:
    @param x: An integer
    @return: The sqrt of x
    def sqrt(self, x):
        # corner cases
        ## if set is too small for binary search
        if x == 0:
            return 0
        if x == 1:
            return 1
        # condation, con(low) = true
        def con(y): return y*y <= x
        # init up and low bounds
        up = 2
        while con(up):
            up *= 2
            # end with the first y not satisfy condition
        low = int(up / 2)
        # bisection loop
        while up > low + 1:
            # search, while up and low not next to each other
            mid = int(low + (up - low)/2)
            if con(mid):
                low = mid
                up = mid
        # return the largest integer satisfy condition
        return low

special care:

Archived solution

class Solution:
    @param x: An integer
    @return: The sqrt of x
    def sqrt(self, x):
        # corner cases
        ## if set is too small for binary search
        if x == 0:
            return 0
        if x == 1:
            return 1
        # init up and low bounds
        up = 2
        while up * up < x:
            up *= 2
        low = int(up / 2)
        while up > low + 1:
            # search, while up and low not next to each other
            mid = int(low + (up - low)/2)
            if mid * mid > x:
                up = mid
            elif mid * mid == x:
                # becuse x is unique for a given sqrt(x)
                return mid
                low = mid
        # check if up or low
        ## largest, so check up first
        if up * up <= x:
            return up
            return low